Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends! I will make an effort to blog more frequently next year. Hopefully the new camera I got for Christmas will help.

Friday, December 26, 2008
Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends! I will make an effort to blog more frequently next year. Hopefully the new camera I got for Christmas will help.
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Best Friends
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Ben's First Haircut
Posted by The Ivey Family at 7:59 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
A House Divided
We drove to Waco this morning to see Gee and Pops. The boys were really good and had fun exploring. They discovered the piano and had a great time banging out some songs. If only we had room for a piano at our house. Maybe one day someone will actually buy our house so we can move to a bigger house and buy a piano. I can still dream, can't I?
Posted by The Ivey Family at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
I know I said I would try to blog at least once a week, but life has been crazy as usual at the Ivey house. The boys have been sick, sick, sick. I hate to see them so miserable, but I guess we just have to wait it out until they build up their immune systems. Andy stayed home with them both on Wednesday (after we took them to see the pediatrician and discovered that Henry has his second double ear infection) and took a couple of pictures of their first "sword fight." The "swords" are actually rolls of wrapping paper, and Henry's "shield" is a wicker hamper lid.
The boys wore their Halloween t-shirts to school today. And their new blue jeans, which are a little bit too big. As you can see, Henry seems to have a future in rap music. Or maybe plumbing?
And now for the big reveal - the boys' Halloween costumes! Henry was a zebra and Ben was a giraffe. Here are some pictures from our short Halloween (they weren't too fond of their costumes).
Posted by The Ivey Family at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Autumn at the Arboretum
Our Saturday started off as it usually does - with a trip to Little Gym for our weekly workout (mine and Andy's, not Ben and Henry's). Then we took advantage of the beautiful "fall" weather and went to the Arboretum. It is "Autumn at the Arboretum" which means pumpkins everywhere. Plus, today was the day that Junior League of Dallas members got a meeting credit for going to the Arboretum. We are required to get 3 meeting credits per year and fortunately there are 3 opportunities each year to receive a meeting credit without attending a single meeting. Since I'm only in my second year of active membership, I have not forgotten how uncomfortable the chairs are at Headquarters - especially when you have to attend 2 meetings per month (Provisional year).
So anyway, we went to get my meeting credit and to take advantage of the amazing photo ops. They have a pumpkin patch, a pumpkin house, and a haybale maze. We tried to get the boys to sit still among the pumpkins but that is not really an easy thing to do. These are the moments when I am a little tiny bit jealous of my friends with "singletons." It is often difficult to get one 15-month-old to sit still, look at the camera, and smile. But getting two 15-month-olds to do this at the same time? Nearly impossible. So I got a few pictures, but none of the ones with both of them turned out great. Oh well - that is what the professionals are for, right? Right. So we dragged the boys over to where the professional photographer was set up
and decided to give him a shot. I'm not sure what he got - we'll have to wait and see. Ben was full of smiles, but Henry has become pretty suspicious of strangers so he just watched the photographer the whole time with a look that said, "Don't come too close."
And now for an update on Ben's eye. It is still black (and blue and purple and a little yellow) and now he has a busted lip to go with it. When I got to their school yesterday afternoon to pick them up, I could hear Ben crying all the way down the hall. I walked into their classroom and Miss Maggie told me that he had just had another accident. Apparently he fell over one of the pushtoys and hit his chin and his lip. So now he really looks like he's been in a fight. I guess this is just what I have to get used to as the mother of boys.
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
Updated Photos of the "Black Eye"
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Trip to the ER and a Black Eye
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:12 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Mr. Mom, the 15-month Check-up, and a Trip to Waco
Another busy week has passed. Andy had his first big dose of being Mr. Mom since Rosalina left. I flew to Denver on Monday morning, stayed there for two days, flew from Denver to Phoenix on Wednesday morning, and flew home late Thursday night. In case it wasn't enough to leave him alone with the boys for 4 days, Henry woke up at 5:00 a.m. Monday morning with a fever. Not an easy thing to do to leave for the airport when you have a sick kiddo at home. But Andy said he would be able to stay home with them (he didn't want to have to take Ben to school and then pick him up so Ben got to play hooky) so I left. Everyone was feeling better on Tuesday so he took the boys to school. On Wednesday, I called to check on them and Andy said that Henry had gotten him sick. He was miserable. And on Thursday, Andy ended up staying home sick by himself (he decided to go to the trouble of taking the boys to school and picking them up so he could have some peace and quiet).
After I picked up the boys, we headed to Dr. Neely's for their 15-month check-up. I was anxious to see how much weight they have gained. Henry is now 24 pounds (50%) and Ben is 22.6 pounds (20%). Also, Henry is 31.75" (75%) and Ben is 30.75" (45%). Unfortunately, since Andy was still feeling under the weather, I decided I could handle this appointment by myself. That was a mistake. We spent 45 minutes in the waiting room so by the time we were called to the back, the boys were very unhappy. Plus, ever since Henry was hospitalized in June, he freaks out at the doctor's office and will only calm down if he is in my lap. But 2 hours after we arrived, we were headed home - the last patients to leave. The boys got their first flu shot dose so we will have to go back in a month for the second dose. I carefully scheduled that appointment for 8:50 a.m. on a Saturday so we will have to go straight from Little Gym and Andy will have no choice but to go.
This morning, we got up and went to Little Gym where they had Picture Day. Our class took a class photo and then the photographer had a backdrop set up for individual family photos. We chose to skip this part and go home to get our stuff together for the drive to Waco to see Gee, Pops, Aunt Christi, Uncle Bryan, and Hayley. The boys napped for a little bit in the car but once they woke up, they were hungry so the last 30 minutes of the ride were a little unpleasant. But we made it and then all went to Schmaltz's! Of everything in Waco, the thing I miss the most is Schmaltz's. I won't even eat at Schlotzsky's because it doesn't even come close to Schmaltz's.
When we got back to Gee and Pops' house, we took pictures with some pumpkins that Gee had. It took several shots to get a few with all three children looking the right direction. Then it was naptime. When they woke up, Gee and Pops had a special treat for them - cupcakes! They really enjoyed these, especially Henry. And then it was time to head back to Dallas. We got home just in time to feed the boys, give them a bath, and put them to bed after a very long day. Hopefully they will sleep well.
Posted by The Ivey Family at 7:35 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
What Would Emily Post Say?
I think we may have a manners problem with Henry. We were eating dinner tonight - Ben's highchair was next to me and Henry's next to Andy. All of a sudden there is a strange sound and Andy yells "OMG! There's sh*t everywhere! It's even on my arm!" Yes, Henry had a blowout at the dinner table. So Andy got up and started filling the bathtub while the boys finished their dinner (there isn't much that will keep Henry from eating, including sitting in a poopy highchair).
When Henry was done, we realized that we had another problem - we can't put him in the bathtub like that because the tub is already full of water. So we had to hose him off in the sink and then Andy gave them both a much-needed bath.
We have had a crazy week. But I say that every week. And next week will just be crazier because I will be in Denver Monday and Tuesday and then in Phoenix Wednesday and Thursday. And we have a big day planned tomorrow. We are going to the Presby NICU/SCN Reunion to show off our healthy big boys to the wonderful doctors and nurses who took such good care of them for the first 6 weeks of their lives. I need to remember to bring my camera since I have gotten so bad about taking pictures lately. So hopefully I'll have some good pics in my next post. But for now, you'll have to settle for some of my old favorites.
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:21 PM 0 comments