
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Autumn at the Arboretum

Our Saturday started off as it usually does - with a trip to Little Gym for our weekly workout (mine and Andy's, not Ben and Henry's). Then we took advantage of the beautiful "fall" weather and went to the Arboretum. It is "Autumn at the Arboretum" which means pumpkins everywhere. Plus, today was the day that Junior League of Dallas members got a meeting credit for going to the Arboretum. We are required to get 3 meeting credits per year and fortunately there are 3 opportunities each year to receive a meeting credit without attending a single meeting. Since I'm only in my second year of active membership, I have not forgotten how uncomfortable the chairs are at Headquarters - especially when you have to attend 2 meetings per month (Provisional year).

So anyway, we went to get my meeting credit and to take advantage of the amazing photo ops. They have a pumpkin patch, a pumpkin house, and a haybale maze. We tried to get the boys to sit still among the pumpkins but that is not really an easy thing to do. These are the moments when I am a little tiny bit jealous of my friends with "singletons." It is often difficult to get one 15-month-old to sit still, look at the camera, and smile. But getting two 15-month-olds to do this at the same time? Nearly impossible. So I got a few pictures, but none of the ones with both of them turned out great. Oh well - that is what the professionals are for, right? Right. So we dragged the boys over to where the professional photographer was set up and decided to give him a shot. I'm not sure what he got - we'll have to wait and see. Ben was full of smiles, but Henry has become pretty suspicious of strangers so he just watched the photographer the whole time with a look that said, "Don't come too close."

And now for an update on Ben's eye. It is still black (and blue and purple and a little yellow) and now he has a busted lip to go with it. When I got to their school yesterday afternoon to pick them up, I could hear Ben crying all the way down the hall. I walked into their classroom and Miss Maggie told me that he had just had another accident. Apparently he fell over one of the pushtoys and hit his chin and his lip. So now he really looks like he's been in a fight. I guess this is just what I have to get used to as the mother of boys.