I'm not doing a very good job of blogging regularly, but we have been busy as usual. The boys are growing like weeds and are even starting to run some. It is fun to watch them chase one another around giggling. And now they have a second room to run around in. My mom came last week to help me try to get more organized. We cleaned out the front bedroom and baby-proofed it so they can play in there. They seem to like it although the first night that they were in there, they both climbed up onto the storage piece that we have along the windows and were walking back and forth across it. Andy saw them and pulled them off of it. A few minutes later we heard a thud followed by a cry. Henry had climbed up onto it again and fallen off. After we got him to stop crying and checked for any serious damage, we let him return to playing. A few minutes later we repeated the process although this time he had climbed onto and fallen off of Andy's camp trunk. Then when Andy and I were getting dinner ready, we heard Henry crying in the front bedroom. We went in and found him standing on the camp trunk crying because he didn't know how to get down and didn't want to fall again. At least he learned something.
On Saturday we hit a major milestone - Ben's first haircut. I was really hoping to wait until they were at least 18 months before getting their hair cut, but Ben's had gotten really long. It was in hanging in his eyes and over the back of his collar so it was time to get it cut. I took him to see Mark, the guy who cuts my hair. Ben sat in my lap facing me so Mark could get to the back of his head. Ben was very good and didn't seem to mind although he was curious about what Mark was doing. Every time Mark would be about to cut, Ben would turn toward him trying to see what Mark was doing. Amazingly, his hair cut turned out okay. I'm glad I didn't try to do it myself (Andy's suggestion).
Other than that, the boys are sick again after a record of two full weeks without missing any days of school. I took them to the doctor this morning , mostly to check Henry's ears since he still has fluid in them. We have to keep a close eye on them since they are so susceptible to ear infections. The fluid is still there, but no infections. And now Ben has fluid in one ear so hopefully that is not a sign that I will have two children who are prone to ear infections.
Here are some pictures of what our bathroom looks like after Daddy has given the boys their bath and Henry sitting in his favorite spot.
LOVE the haircuts!
We tried the Vick's stuff on their feet like you suggested and Jacob FINALLY got some sleep. Tell Andy's mom thanks!
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