As I write this, my beloved Longhorns are losing to Andy's beloved Red Raiders. This is the one day of the year when one of us doesn't like the other very much. I have dressed the boys in burnt orange most of the Saturdays this fall, and Andy doesn't seem to mind. But today we had to be fair so Ben wore his burnt orange Longhorn t-shirt and Henry wore a red and black striped onesie. I tried to get a good picture of them, but they refused to cooperate so this is the best I could do.

We drove to Waco this morning to see Gee and Pops. The boys were really good and had fun exploring. They discovered the piano and had a great time banging out some songs. If only we had room for a piano at our house. Maybe one day someone will actually buy our house so we can move to a bigger house and buy a piano. I can still dream, can't I?
We drove to Waco this morning to see Gee and Pops. The boys were really good and had fun exploring. They discovered the piano and had a great time banging out some songs. If only we had room for a piano at our house. Maybe one day someone will actually buy our house so we can move to a bigger house and buy a piano. I can still dream, can't I?
For lunch, we hit my favorite spot in Waco - Schmaltz's. It was absolutely packed with Baylor students and their families since today was Baylor Homecoming. I've never seen so many people at Schmaltz's - the line was out the door for most of the time that we were eating there. But it was well worth it.
I remembered to bring my laptop with me so I could download pictures from my mom's camera. She is pretty good about taking pictures of her grandchildren and has a really good camera, but she doesn't know how to download pictures and email them. So I was able to get a picture of Hayley in her Halloween costume. She was Minnie Mouse.
Gee was in Houston with Hayley this week while Christi stayed in Austin with Bryan. For those who don't know, Bryan had surgery a few weeks ago on his back and developed a staph infection that landed him in the hospital for the last week (both in Houston and then in Austin where he had the back surgery). He is doing much better and is home now, but he faces a 6-week course of IV antibiotics. Please keep Bryan in your prayers.
With the final seconds ticking off and Texas Tech trailing by a point, the Texas Tech quarterback saw Michael Crabtree in double coverage and let if fly. The All-American wide receiver snagged it on the sideline, shook off a defender and ducked into the end zone with one second left.
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