Today was Ben and Henry's first day of school. Andy and I both went to drop them off this morning. I wanted to get there early to talk to their teachers, but we got there too early. There teachers do not arrive until 8:00. So we dropped the boys off at 7:15 with very few instructions. Henry cried a little, but it wasn't too traumatic. The teacher who was there was very good about distracting them as we left.
Our plan is for me to drop them off in the morning and Andy to pick them up on his way home each afternoon. However, I wanted to pick them up today so I could meet their teachers and hear how they did today. I also needed to pay their tuition. So when I got there, I took care of the tuition first and then sneaked over to the boys' classroom. I saw them both before they saw me, and they were happily playing. Then Henry looked up and saw me. I expected him to burst into tears like he has been doing on Sundays when we return to the church nursery to get them. But he didn't. In fact, he didn't smile, frown, laugh, or cry. Instead, he determinedly marched over to his cubby and started tugging on our diaper bag. When he got it out of the cubby and onto the floor, he started dragging it to the door. I guess he was ready to go!
I promise pictures from school as soon as I get a new battery for my camera. For now, here are a couple of pics from the weekend of the boys' new favorite place to play. Why do we spend money on toys when all they need to entertain themselves is a basket? They get in it together and rock back and forth - they look like they are crammed into a little boat.
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