Henry surprised us tonight with a "stealth" poop. Andy and I each took a baby into their room to change their wet diapers. I was changing Ben on the changing table and Andy was changing Henry in his crib. All of I sudden I hear Andy behind me freaking out. Apparently Henry's diaper wasn't just wet. And since Andy didn't expect poop, he wasn't being very careful so poop got all over Henry and his onesie. So Andy took Henry's onesie off. Then a naked Henry, still covered in poop, fell onto the bed getting poop all over his sheets. At this point Andy decided it
would be best to just take Henry into the bathroom and give him a bath. I scooped up Ben and took him in for a bath, too. There is no way I'm going to pass up an opportunity to have Andy bathe the boys. I've attached some pics of my boys enjoying their bathtime.
Untitled Memories
9 years ago
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