Henry surprised us tonight with a "stealth" poop. Andy and I each took a baby into their room to change their wet diapers. I was changing Ben on the changing table and Andy was changing Henry in his crib. All of I sudden I hear Andy behind me freaking out. Apparently Henry's diaper wasn't just wet. And since Andy didn't expect poop, he wasn't being very careful so poop got all over Henry and his onesie. So Andy took Henry's onesie off. Then a naked Henry, still covered in poop, fell onto the bed getting poop all over his sheets. At this point Andy decided it
would be best to just take Henry into the bathroom and give him a bath. I scooped up Ben and took him in for a bath, too. There is no way I'm going to pass up an opportunity to have Andy bathe the boys. I've attached some pics of my boys enjoying their bathtime.

Saturday, August 30, 2008
The Stealth Poop
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:10 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
What a Week!
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Will We Ever Sell this House?
We have been trying to sell our house since we found out we were having twins. We put it on the market in February/March 2007 in an attempt to move before the twins were born. In June, when the traffic started to really pick up, I was admitted to the hospital for pre-term contractions. This was our first indication that the boys might be a little impatient and surprise us by coming earlier than we expected. We had ordered furniture for the nursery but were waiting to have it delivered hoping that we would be in a new house. So we had to make the difficult decision to take the house off the market and have the nursery furniture delivered. This was a good decision as the boys arrived about 2 weeks after the furniture was delived. Of course, they spent 6 weeks in the hospital but it was still a relief to know that we were ready for them to
come home. Here are a couple of pictures of them shortly after they came home. It is hard to believe they were that small barely a year ago!
Posted by The Ivey Family at 10:38 AM 0 comments
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Monday, August 18, 2008
My Little Smurfs
I finally have some pictures of the boys' first birthday to post. Gee and Pops (my parents) came to visit so I was able to download pictures from my mom's camera. I didn't end up taking any pictures that day with my camera because my hands were full. So anyway, here they are.
Posted by The Ivey Family at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Get with the program!
So I finally decided to start a blog. I've been thinking about it for a while. I enjoy reading other people's blogs, but wasn't sure if I should create my own. Lots of reasons for my hesitancy - 1) do I really want my life to be an open book for all to read? 2) I'm not sure I'll really stick with it. 3) I hate writing. 4) I'm too busy to add anything else to my "to do" list.
So why am I doing this? I'm still not sure, but I guess I'll give it a try. I hope to find some time this weekend to actually make this page look good. And maybe I'll add some photos. For now, here's a somewhat recent picture of my boys.
Posted by The Ivey Family at 10:10 PM 2 comments