Guess I'll start with an update of what we've been up to the last several weeks. The boys moved up to the Ducklings class for the summer. In the fall, they will move up to the Robins class. The biggest change we have noticed is that they are much dirtier when they come home. The Ducklings get to play on the big playground where there is sand. The first couple of weeks, they had sand in their hair, ears, shoes, etc. We have started tossing their crocs in the bathtub with them each night!

A few weeks ago, Andy and I went to an engagement party for our friends Ray and Courtney (see pic below). What a great party! We started out at a beautiful home in Lakewood where we had drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Then we headed to Lakewood Country Club for dinner. It was a fabulous evening, made even better by Andy's parents who agreed to keep the boys that night in Fort Worth so we could stay out late and not be awakened at 6:00 am by two toddlers. We can't wait to see everyone again in Lake Tahoe for the wedding! And no, we are not taking the boys with us.

While Andy and I were getting ready for the engagement party, Ben and Henry were in Fort Worth with Mamo and Papo. They headed over to Fort Worth after their nap and went to ride the Forrest Park train. Mamo was kind enough to share some of her pictures (I can't find my camera, thus the limited number of other photos) - looks like they had a good time.

We decided to open up the house to the boys last week. They were limited to the living room and the front bedroom before and it had gotten to the point where they would scream when we walked toward the front of the house. So we removed the gate between the living room and dining room and are letting them wander around. As a result, we have learned that we need to keep a few doors closed. Ben heads straight for the bathroom to play with the toilet or the laundry room to put the cat's food in her water bowl. Henry doesn't seem to have an obvious pattern, but is able to find something he shouldn't be playing with in every room.
Henry did learn something new this past weekend. When we put them in bed Saturday night, Henry only had his pajama top on because he had stepped in the cat's water bowl and gotten his pajama pants wet. Before I go to bed, I always check on the boys. When I looked into Henry's crib, I saw an odd shape in the corner. I reached over and picked it up - it was a diaper. So I reached over to Henry and felt a bare bottom. Rather than put the diaper back on him, I got Andy to come see what Henry had done. Then Andy started to put the diaper on him, but we realized that he and his bed were completely soaked. So we changed Henry's clothes and the sheet in his crib and put him back to bed.
For Father's Day, we went to lunch with Andy's family at Ojeda's, Andy's and his dad's favorite Mexican restaurant. By the time we left, it was past the boys' naptime so they both fell asleep in the car. We got home and put them in their beds, but no luck. Their powernaps just re-energized them so they talked/cried/screamed for two and a half hours before we gave up on naptime. Also, Henry managed to remove his diaper again. Are we going to have to start using duct tape to fasten his diaper?
So that's about it for now. The boys' birthday is coming up so that will probably be the next post. Hopefully we will have pictures to share!
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