
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Big Boy Haircuts and Mother's Day

I am beginning to realize that my babies aren't really babies anymore. I guess that officially ends when they are 2 and we start tracking their age in years instead of months, which is less than 2 months away now. But it is time to get used to the idea that they are little boys now and not babies. So we took them to get their hair cut on Saturday. They've had their hair cut before, but I had wanted to preserve their "baby" hair so it was really just a trim. This time they really got it cut. By the time it was done, there was more hair on the floor than when I get my hair cut. Ben was really good through the whole thing, but Henry did not want to cooperate. Here they are after their haircuts.

After the boys woke up from their naps, Andy gave me an early Mother's Day gift. He took the boys outside to play so I could take a nap. While they were outside, Andy got the kiddie pool out for them. Of course, they were wearing their pajamas and had on regular diapers instead of swim diapers. So by the time I got out there, they were soaked and their diapers were hanging down to their knees. But who cares because they were having a blast.

For Mother's Day, in addition to letting me take a nap, Andy got me a beautiful bouquet of tulips. Ben and Henry gave me their handprints with a poem that they made at school and a bag of candy (Andy says that is all they could afford). This morning, we went to church and then met Andy's family for lunch at Peggy Sue's, where Andy tied a napkin around Ben like a cape. He wore it almost the whole time we were there.

Happy Mother's Day to Gee, Mamo, Aunt Christi, Aunt Nikki, and Aunt Kellie!