Yes, we're still here. And still busy. The boys are growing like weeds and talking up a storm now. We still don't understand most of what they say but are recognizing more of their words everyday. Henry's favorite word/phrase seems to be "thank you." He says it any time you do anything for him. But I can't get him to say "please" at all. Oh well.
A couple of weeks before Easter, Andy and I went to Houston for my cousin Reagan's wedding. It was a great to see so many of my family there. We had a great time hanging out with my cousins.
On Easter weekend, Jordan and her friend Jessica came to stay with us. They had tickets to see Nickelback in concert and wanted to shop in Dallas for Jordan's prom dress. I got to help Jordan pick out her dress, which was a lot of fun.On Easter Sunday, we had all of Andy's family over to our house for burgers. Fortunately it turned out to be a warm day and the rain had stopped so we were able to play outside all afternoon. We had an Easter egg hunt for all of the kids, with the boys getting a head start since they are the youngest. I helped Henry hunt for eggs, holding his basket and helping him find more eggs. He did great until he found one that had coins in it. When he heard the sound it made when he shook the egg, he lost all interest in the hunt for more eggs and just stood there shaking that egg.
Ben found a few eggs, put them in his basket, and then flipped his basket upside-down and watched the eggs fall out. He thought this was a lot of fun so he did it again and again. Lucky for him, his cousins decided to help him get more eggs.
We took the boys to the developmental pediatrician last week and were amazed at their progress in the last few months. They are both ahead of schedule when it comes to their motor skills. And although they are still behind on language skills, they have definitely made up some ground since their last appointment. They are now caught up to their adjusted age. Maybe when we go back in July, they will have caught up to their actual age.
On Thursday morning I received a call from the school that Ben had an "accident." He fell on his face on the concrete when they were playing outside. His teacher was concerned that he might have damaged his front teeth. So I left work and drove to the school to see if I needed to take him to the doctor. When I got there, he looked pretty bad - his forehead and nose were all scraped up and he had a busted upper lip. I tried to look inside his mouth, but he didn't want me to touch so all I could see was that his gums were bleeding. I decided to call the pediatrician's office to see if I needed to take him in. I talked to a nurse who told me to take him to a pediatric dentist. I decided to check his teeth again before calling them though and was happy to find that both his front teeth were still firmly in place. So no trip to the dentist, but he looks pitiful.
Untitled Memories
9 years ago